Annual Workshop 2024

IASPEI/IAVCEI Inter-Association Commission
on "Volcano Seismology & Acoustics"

September 16th-21th 2024 - El Paso, La Palma (Spain)


IAVCEI Annual workshop 2024 La Palma


The annual meeting of the IASPEI/IAVCEI Commission will be held on 16-21 September at El Paso, in La Palma close to the lastest volcanic eruption on the island in 2021.

The workshop is dedicated to all aspects of volcano seismology and acoustics, the seismic hazard in volcanic settings, new technologies, concepts and models, and interdisciplinary studies from a wide range of volcanoes worldwide.

Excursions to the Astronomical Observatory (18 September) and to the 2021 volcanic eruption (20 September) will be organized. (more information soon) 

We encourage participants with seismic-acoustic expertise as well as other geophysical disciplines with an interest in volcanology to join us in La Palma.

Please make travel arrangements such that you arrive on September 16th and depart not before September 21th, 2024. 

New registration deadline is July 15

Abstract submission deadline is August 30

Registration and abstract submission, email to:

Register by email indicating first name, family name and affiliation.

(abstract max 300 words)


Getting to La Palma: flight to Airport of La Palma from Madrid, Tenerife or Gran Canaria or from some international airports (Frankfurt, London, etc).

Getting to El Paso from airpot: Taxi (aprox 50 ?) or bus (5 ? line 500 from airport to Santa Cruz de La Palma and line 300 from there to Los Llanos).


The workshop will take place in El Paso, a small town on the west part of La Palma. The workshop will be based in the Bungalows La Villa and La Palma Jardin

The venue will be La Casa de la Cultura de El Paso (2,5 km away from the houses). There will be organized a bus conexion from the houses to the venue every morning and back every evening, for which we got a special discount for accommodations from 16 September to 21 September:

  • For Bungalows La Villa book your accommodation (by email) at these prices:
    • House with one room (two beds), 80 ? (per house, per night).
    • House with two rooms (four beds), 120 ? (per house, per night).

  • For La Palma Jardin book your accommodation (by email) at these prices:
    • Bungalow Typ B (1 bedroom ) = 115,50 ? per day for 2 Pers. (the price for one or two persons is always the same)
    • Bungalow Typ A (2 bedrooms ) = 139,00 ? per day for 2 Pers. + 20,00 ? per day per extra person ( Max. 4 Pers. )
    • Villa ( 2 bedrooms ) = 156,00 ? per day for 2 Pers. + 20,00 ? per day per extra person ( Max. 4 Pers. )

  • There is an alternative accomodation located 3 km away from the Bungalows La Villa at Dulce Valle Villas & Spa. You can book your accommodation (by email) at these prices:
    • House with one room, 80 ? (per house, per night).
    • House with two rooms, 100 ? (per house, per night).

Discount price is guaranteed for booking before 15 June. Please mention the "Volcano Workshop" in your request to the apartments. In all cases if you plan to come alone but want to pay less and don't mind sharing accommodation with another meeting attendee in one of the two-bedroom houses let the owner know who will be happy to help you.

Alternative accommodation can be booked in:

Hotel Benahoare, Hotel Valle de Aridane or Apartamentos Adjovimar (but there will be no transportation from those locations to the venue)




Stavros Meletlidis, Instituto Geográfico Nacional -

Itahiza Domínguez Cerdeña , Instituto Geográfico Nacional -

Jurgen Neuberg, Institute of Geophysics & Tectonics, School of Earth & Environment, The University of Leeds -



La Palma Isla Bonita


Consejeria de transicion ecologica
Consejeria de politica territorial

Official accommodations



IAVCEI Annual workshop 2024 La Palma