Earthquake information

Event Date UTC time Local time
Latitude Longitude Depth
Magnitude Mag. type
INFO: Magnitude type (se abrirá nueva ventana)
Max. int
INFO: Intensity scale (se abrirá nueva ventana)
es2019nnhhd 12/07/2019 05:25:11 06:25:11 28.0888 -16.2434 9.0 1.4 mbLg   ATLÁNTICO-CANARIAS
© Instituto Geográfico Nacional

*Spanish official Iberian Peninsula local time for earthquakes located between 20ºW and 6ºE longitude, and 32ºN and 45ºN latitude.
   Spanish official Canary Island local time for earthquakes located between 19ºW and 13ºW longitude, and 27ºN and 30ºN latitude.