Latest earthquakes (10 days, 30 days, last year)

Close earthquakes in the last 30 days

Close earthquakes in the last 30 days, senses in the Iberian Peninsula and Canary Island.

Event Date UTC time Local time
Latitude Longitude Depth
Magnitude Mag. type
INFO: Magnitude type (se abrirá nueva ventana)
Max. int
INFO: Intensity scale (se abrirá nueva ventana)
Region More Info
es2024hphwg 17/04/2024 23:12:15 01:12:15 38.1256 -1.1375 4.0 1.7 mbLg II-III SW FORTUNA.MU
+ info: es2024hphwg, 17/04/2024
es2024hjtia 14/04/2024 22:11:21 00:11:21 41.4016 -6.5153 1.0 2.2 mbLg I-II NE MOGADOURO.POR
+ info: es2024hjtia, 14/04/2024
es2024hjigp 14/04/2024 16:36:20 18:36:20 38.0917 -1.3768 2.0 1.9 mbLg II NW CAMPOS DEL RÍO.MU
+ info: es2024hjigp, 14/04/2024
es2024hebgt 11/04/2024 19:24:26 21:24:26 37.5316 -1.6712 4.0 2.4 mbLg II-III E PUERTO LUMBRERAS.MU
+ info: es2024hebgt, 11/04/2024
es2024hbtxa 10/04/2024 13:24:57 15:24:57 37.5867 -3.9041 0.0 2.5 mbLg II-III S FUENSANTA DE MARTOS.J
+ info: es2024hbtxa, 10/04/2024
es2024haimv 09/04/2024 18:31:43 20:31:43 41.7673 2.7737 0.0 1.9 mbLg I-II S VIDRERES.GI
+ info: es2024haimv, 09/04/2024
es2024gvnmz 07/04/2024 03:23:28 05:23:28 42.5020 -7.6417 0.0 2.9 mbLg II-III W PANTÓN.LU
+ info: es2024gvnmz, 07/04/2024
es2024guxli 06/04/2024 19:16:36 21:16:36 38.2834 -0.8485 7.0 2.3 mbLg II-III S EL FONDÓ DE LES NEUS/HONDÓN
+ info: es2024guxli, 06/04/2024
es2024grmcp 04/04/2024 22:09:03 00:09:03 39.0297 -2.8594 8.0 2.2 mbLg I-II NE RUIDERA.CR
+ info: es2024grmcp, 04/04/2024
es2024gquqr 04/04/2024 13:19:58 15:19:58 36.5878 -3.0382 1.0 2.7 mbLg I-II ALBORÁN NORTE
+ info: es2024gquqr, 04/04/2024
es2024gokdt 03/04/2024 05:45:52 07:45:52 43.1634 -8.5478 3.0 2.8 mbLg II-III SW CERCEDA.C
+ info: es2024gokdt, 03/04/2024
es2024gggdc 29/03/2024 18:39:56 19:39:56 37.8810 -1.1146 4.0 2.5 mbLg III S MURCIA.MU
+ info: es2024gggdc, 29/03/2024
es2024gdoei 28/03/2024 07:19:51 08:19:51 43.3236 -7.1301 10.0 2.0 mbLg I-II SE A PONTENOVA.LU
+ info: es2024gdoei, 28/03/2024
es2024fzeyu 25/03/2024 22:08:39 23:08:39 37.0429 -1.8286 1.0 2.0 mbLg II NE CARBONERAS.AL
+ info: es2024fzeyu, 25/03/2024
es2024fwyfy 24/03/2024 16:28:58 17:28:58 38.6440 -0.5891 12.0 2.7 mbLg Sentido NW IBI.A
+ info: es2024fwyfy, 24/03/2024
es2024fwyez 24/03/2024 16:27:46 17:27:46 38.6730 -0.6350 7.0 3.3 mbLg III SE BANYERES DE MARIOLA.A
+ info: es2024fwyez, 24/03/2024
es2024fwxod 24/03/2024 16:08:18 17:08:18 38.6529 -0.6265 7.0 3.0 mbLg II-III NE ONIL.A
+ info: es2024fwxod, 24/03/2024
es2024fwxkr 24/03/2024 16:04:05 17:04:05 38.6592 -0.5967 11.0 2.8 mbLg II NW IBI.A
+ info: es2024fwxkr, 24/03/2024

*Spanish official Iberian Peninsula local time for earthquakes located between 20ºW and 6ºE longitude, and 32ºN and 45ºN latitude.
   Spanish official Canary Island local time for earthquakes located between 19ºW and 13ºW longitude, and 27ºN and 30ºN latitude.