Earthquake catalogue

This catalogue comprises earthquakes from 1370 A.D. to present. Download this file to search for previous earthquakes.

Longitude and Latitude values for Canary Islands are: minimun lattitude 26°, maximum latitude 31º, minimum longitude -20° and maximum longitude 6°.

Citation: National Geographic Institute (IGN). Spanish Seismic Catalog.

Fields marked with * are mandatory

Left or right mouse button: select coordinates
Left mouse button pressed: map movement
Mouse roll: Zoom
Geographic region

Enter latitude and longitude values in decimal degrees. WEST longitudes must be NEGATIVE.


Since the year 1370

Intensity and/or magnitude

Search condition must be selected (And/Or)

Depth and phases

If ‘Yes’ is selected, a link to the phases of all earthquakes meeting the entered requirements is available on the next page.